Evgeniy Anatol’evich Mikrin, the General Designer and First Deputy Director General of Space Rocket Corporation Energiya, General Designer for manned space systems, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and full member of Academy of Navigation and Motion Control passed away on May 5, 2020.
Evgeniy Mikrin was known as an outstanding scientist, designer and organizer, who contributed greatly to the development of control systems for transport manned and cargo unmanned spacecraft, multimodule space systems, automatic spacecraft of different functions. He served in Energiya Corporation for almost 40 years, where he started as an engineer and became the general designer.
He is the author of 230 scientific publications, including eight monographs. In 2011, he was elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) (Division of Power Engineering, Machine Building, Mechanics and Control Processes).
Evgeniy Mikrin was a member of RAS Presidium, Deputy of the Division secretary, Head of section on Machine Building Problems and Control Processes, Head of Commission on Scientific Heritage of Pioneers in Space Exploration within RAS division, and a member of RAS Space Council. He created a scientific school involving more than 25 doctors and candidates of sciences.
For his professional and scientific activities he was awarded an honorary title of Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded the Russian Federation Government Prizes for science and technology, and for education, RAS Prizes named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky and B.N. Petrov, and state prizes.
Evgeniy Mikrin took an active part in General meetings of the Academy of Navigation and Motion Control and other events supported by the Academy. He cochaired the Program Committee of the Control in Aerospace Systems conference organized within the Russian Multiconference on Control Problems. Since 2001 he presented several papers at St. Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems and published many papers together with his colleagues in Gyroscopy and Navigation journal supported by the Academy.
We mourn his untimely death. The Academy Presidium expresses deep condolences to Evgeniy Mikrin’s colleagues, family and friends.